Sunday, November 22, 2015

Statement of Hindu Position on Christianity

We are willing to accept Jesus as a noble human being.  However, we reject the idea that Jesus or Moses or anyone else had had exclusive access to God or to truth.  Every human being has the same potential to achieve what any other human being has achieved.

We see bible as it is - work of many men with some good and some truth in it.  We reject all beliefs which claim exclusive access or relationship for some, such as Jesus, to God and which limit human nature and potential.  In particular, we reject the belief that all human beings are born sinners.  We Hindus think that such limiting beliefs are part of human ignorance that need to be shed to achieve liberation; key is shedding such ignorance and recognizing at least that we all have equal access to the divine without the need for prophets as intermediaries.  A further liberating Hindu ideal is the core belief that, in fact, we are all ultimately inseparable from the divine, thus our true self is devoid of limitations and sins.  Thus, we do not need Jesus or anyone else to liberate us from sins.

We reject the belief that sins of Adam are passed on by inheritance.  Such beliefs are counter to principles of accountability and responsibility that is core to institutions of law and justice.  We also reject the idea of vicarious redemption - that all human beings are relieved of the original sin of Adam by the sacrifice of life of Jesus.  One cannot be punished for wrong actions of another.  One cannot pay for wrong actions of another.  Such beliefs are counter to principles of responsibility and justice.

Accordingly, we reject the dogma of Nicene Creed in its entirety.  

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