Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Christianity vs. Hinduism in the context of karma-phala

No karma-phala without karma or Reaction without action is meaningless : to suggest that all human beings, even those not born, bear the consequences of Adam and Eve's Original Sin is meaningless.  For an action that is not done, no result can accrue. Only for action that is done can there be adrsta-phala, either punya or papa. If the action is proper, it will attract punya and if it is improper, it will attract papa.  Sankara argues that if an action that is not done can produce results, then that which does not exist, asat, can produce that which exists, sat. To say that a nonexistent thing can produce an existent thing is like saying that a non-existent mother can bear a son.

All karma begets karma-phala To suggest that grace of Jesus will guarantee entry to heaven regardless of all past actions is ridiculous.  It is contradictory to say that karmas that are done do not produce results. You cannot throw a stone and expect that there will be no result. There will be a result - especially if it hits someone! Something must take place; some kind of reaction will be there. Therefore, action without reaction makes no sense at all.

One cannot only beget punya-phala it is impossible for a person to perform only good actions, punya-karma. No one can avoid-doing papa-karma at some time or the other. All it takes is one unconscious swatting of a mosquito! Unknowingly, you are destroying millions of bacteria everyday. Nor are all the varieties of papa-karma known to you; some are unknown also. Therefore, you cannot avoid doing papa-karma altogether.  Karma is conscious action.  A waterfall killing an animal does not beget karma-phala.  

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